Case: P21-151
For: Preliminary & Final Major Site Plan w/ “c” Variances
Address: 2958 John F. Kennedy Boulevard and 67-73 Cottage Street
Applicant: Journal Square Tower LLC
Attorney: Charles Harrington, III, Esq.
Review Planner: Timothy Krehel, AICP PP
Block: 7903 Lot: 1, 2 and 3
Zone: Journal Square 2060 Redevelopment Plan – Zone 3: Commercial Center
Description: Applicant proposes a new thirty-one (31) story (including one permitted mezzanine level) mixed-use building, with two hundred fifty-two (252) residential units, one hundred eight (108) hotel rooms, two (2) ground floor retail spaces, office use (pursuant to office use bonus), banquet hall, restaurant use, and two hundred two (202) vehicle parking spaces.
Variances: Height, minimum rear yard setback/step backs, all floor levels above the ground floor no extend greater than 85’ from any right-of-way, head-in/head-out loading and parking facilities design, minimum floor to ceiling height, valet parking drop off lane, permitted residential floor area, tower setback, minimum require front lot line and side lot line tower setbacks, tower on a base setback, max parking requirement.